Home > Investors > Corporate Governance > BOARD OF DIRECTORS > Liz Barber Non-Executive Director

Liz Barber, Senior Independent Director

Liz was appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director in 2021 and is Chair of the Audit Committee. Liz was Group Chief Executive of Kelda Group until 2022. She was previously with Ernst & Young where she was made a partner in 2001 and was the senior partner for audit for the north of England. Whilst at Ernst & Young, Liz was the Company’s audit partner between 2003 and 2007. Liz is a Chartered Accountant. Liz is also a Non-Executive Director of HICL Infrastructure plc and was a Non-Executive Director of KCOM PLC between 2015 and 2019.

Committee Membership
Nomination Committee
Audit Committee
Remuneration Committee
ESG Committee