World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day will be celebrated on Sunday 10th October. This years theme is Mental Health in an Unequal World - access to mental health support shouldn’t be determined by where we live or who we are.

What are Cranswick doing?

Offering Champion and First Aider Training to colleagues

Here at Cranswick, we are working hard to ensure that all our colleagues, regardless of department, site or role, are supported with their own mental health. Since the launch of our Mental Health Champion training, we have trained 152 Champions and have 52 Mental Health First Aiders across our sites. These brilliant colleagues have shown their commitment to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and are making sure that anyone in the workplace can get support if they need it.

Providing eLearning so colleagues can easily access training on Mental Health

Did you know that one in four adults experience mental health problems at least once in their lifetime? Our Cranswick Core platform enables colleagues to undertake a Mental Health course to brush up on mental health knowledge and wellbeing, what you can do to support others and to look after your own mental health. Every Cranswick colleague including agency colleagues has access to these courses.

What can I do?

Ask Twice.  A simple yet effective technique to use in your day to day life. How often do you say “Hi, how are you?” to someone and the response is “fine”. Then you carry on with your day. Asking that person again if they’re sure they’re okay may lead into a whole new conversation as it makes the person realise you do actually care and are not just asking the standard question for the sake of it. “Well actually, I am feeling a little down today”. It doesn’t even have to be specific to mental health, it could just be a good opportunity to get to know your team a little better. Watch the video here:

Watch the programme on Sunday evening from Mental Health UK.