Welcome to our 2019 Graduates

We welcomed our new cohort of Graduates on Monday 9th September!

Georgina, Harry, Matthew, Millie, Neave, Rebecca and Sally will now embark on their two-year journey through our graduate scheme.

The graduates will start by undertaking an intensive six-week induction of Cranswick. Their first three weeks are spent at our Preston site whereby they spend one-week rotating round each of the departments gaining learning and understanding of what each of those departments do. Following this they will spend two weeks in Butchery school with Georgina Corbett, one of our previous graduates who now manages the Butchery Academy. They will spend their final week with our farms team, a new edition to our scheme this year.

Following their induction, our graduates will go on a tour of various Cranswick sites where they will learn about the operations of each site, their products and meet some of the teams they may work with in the future.

The graduates will be place at several sites where they will gain experience in a variety of different environments.

We wish them the best of luck!


L- R Rebecca, Sally, Millie, Neave, Georgina, Matthew and Harry.