Wasting food - it's out of date

World Food Day 2020 is calling to make food systems more resilient and robust to deliver affordable and sustainable healthy diets for all. Brought to the fore by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, we all have a role to play, by choosing healthy food we increase the overall demand for nutritious food, to not letting sustainable habits fall by the wayside. 

One of the biggest sustainable habits we can do is to stop wasting food. We’re supporting a new campaign Out of Date UK  to change the way we buy food. Change the way we use food. And change the way we feel about wasting food.

When we waste food, we’re wasting the resources it takes to produce it and the hours it takes to make it. That’s why every day we don’t act, we’re wasting the use of precious resources that go into growing our food and the climate change that comes as a result.

What can you do?

  1. Take the quiz to find out if you are a food saviour or a food waster

  2. Find new tips to love your leftovers - when food is wasted, valuable resources such as water, land, energy and labour that are needed to produce it are wasted too. If we all stopped throwing food away at home for one day, it could do the same for climate change as planting over half a million trees! Visit Out of Date for lots of easy advice.

  3. If you’re a business, we welcome you to visit our own strategy and actions so far. We have just produced a case study about our Food Loss and Waste progress for Champions 12.3 which you can find here. If you have innovations or ideas, please email us at secondnature@cranswick.co.uk