IFST Recognise Cranswick in Participation Scheme

Cranswick has been awarded certification for their participation in the IFST Group Membership Scheme. The Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) are the leading independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe. They are the only professional body in the UK who represent all areas of food science and technology. The institution aims to promote the advancement and application of food science and technology for the benefit, safety and health of the public.

As well as providing peer recognition, membership provides a forum for shared learning and best practise as well as highlighting the company’s commitment to professional standards, ethics and developing the next generation of food scientists and technologists.

CEO, Jon Poole who awarded Cranswick the certificate, said “We are delighted to have Cranswick as a group scheme member. It a pleasure to present Andrew Caines and his technical team with the certificate in person, but it was also good to hear how some of their team are now looking to become more engaged in IFST’s activities and CPD (Career Progression Development).”


IFST CEO, Jon Poole pictured with Andrew Caines, Group Technical Director