Work experience is vital to supporting schools and helping communities to thrive. Our new
Virtual Work Experience Pack developed with the Education Alliance, helps students
understand what career opportunities in our industry can look like via virtual content, as
they have been unable to physically attend work experience.

Our expert colleagues across Commercial, Operations, Technical, NPD and HR functions
have designed virtual work experience projects based around key tasks in their roles in the
form of case studies, templates, example sheets and real working scenarios. These are
supported by ‘a day in the life of’ videos where each expert introduces their role, day to day
tasks and finally the project that the students will be carrying out.

The launch, as part of the Employer Lead programme was hugely successful with 95% of
students choosing to complete a project of their choice. The impressive quality of student
work that was returned has shone a light on our local future talent pool.

Since then, interest in the projects has gathered momentum and they have been distributed
to four more Hull based schools.

Please share as we would encourage any interested education organisations across the
country to contact their local Cranswick Site HR teams, the contact details are here: