Cranswick joins the Hull & East Yorkshire Sustainable Palm Oil Pledge

As part of their industry leading Second Nature initiative, Cranswick has joined the pledge to make Hull and East Yorkshire the first sustainable palm oil region in the UK.

Widely used in food production, palm oil is an extremely versatile and efficient vegetable oil; however, unsustainable production has had a detrimental effect on the Earth’s fragile ecosystems such as rainforests and the species that make these habitats their home, including orangutans, tigers, elephants and birds.

Recognising the need for change, Cranswick has joined other local organisations in committing to support a move from non-sustainable to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO), ensuring minimal impact to the environment of the regions it is grown in.

To read more about Second Nature, Cranswick’s sustainability journey, visit: This is Second Nature.