Cranswick is a strategic partner for Food Waste Action Week

We're proud to be a strategic partner and to be supporting WRAP’s first Food Waste Action Week in March. Cranswick are among 26 food and retail companies who have so far agreed to play an active part in the week-long campaign organised by global sustainability charity WRAP.

Launching on 1st March, Food Waste Action Week is designed to get the UK public and organisations to reduce their food waste to as close to zero as possible over the seven days. WRAP and its 26 strategic partners will share food management tips with the general public via social media and digital platforms, and there will also be wide scale action from an array of well-known influencers to help people stop throwing away food and reinforce WRAP’S message that food waste causes climate change. 

The nationwide campaign will be headed by a well-known public figure, who WRAP will announce prior to the event.

Marcus Gover, WRAP CEO, said: “I’m delighted to be launching the first UK Food Waste Action Week in March, and to have such strong support from our partners across sectors. Together we will inspire real and lasting change.

“Wasting food is a major cause of climate change – it generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all the commercial flights in the world. We know through our research that the climate change emergency matters to people so this is something we can – and must – act on together.

Chris Aldersley, Chief Operating Officer, Cranswick plc, said: “Cranswick is taking action to eliminate food waste, not just within our own farms and factories but across our entire value chain. As part of our Second Nature sustainability programme we have pledged to become a zero-food waste business by 2030 and in the last two years alone have more than halved edible food loss and waste across the group. As part of this journey we are educating our colleagues on how to prevent food waste both in the workplace and at home, inviting them to become Cranswick Waste Warriors to drive real action at work, but also in the wider community. As a strategic partner, we are proud to support Wrap and their Food Action Week campaign which will help raise awareness about the impact of food waste and inspire people to work together to tackle it head on.”