Our 7th biennial golf day was a huge success, with 132 participants from suppliers, customers and colleagues completing the 18-hole course at Forest Pines hotel.

Fundraising efforts were boosted by an evening charity auction and dinner, helping us raise over £60,000. In total, Cranswick’s charitable giving from golf days has now topped over £320,000.

All proceeds have been donated to KIDS Yorkshire to help fund their important work in our local community: providing disabled children and their families with the support to thrive, not just survive.

Claire Crosbie, Senior Regional Fundraiser, KIDS Yorkshire, thanks all of those involved:

“Cranswick Country Foods are KIDS Yorkshire’s key corporate supporter; a relationship that has continued to grow over the past 15 years. To date, Cranswick Country Foods has raised over £320,000 for some of Hull’s most vulnerable children and young people. This money is life changing and has changed the lives of so many families of disabled children whom we have supported over the years. From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank Cranswick (that is Max, Nick and Will and his team (pictured left to right, with me) enough for all their hard work that such an event takes to organise and run. We are so incredibly grateful of our long-standing relationship with this local company. They are inspirational.”

Nick Mitchell, who led the event, highlights the achievements of the day: “The previous golf days have all been huge successes, but I personally feel that this one tops the lot! To have raised such a fantastic sum in such challenging times, with fewer people allowed to attend, is testimony to the kindness and generosity of everyone involved in supporting such a worthwhile charity. The team at KIDS in Hull do such an amazing job and to see how overwhelmed those ladies that were present on the day were when the total was announced made it all very humbling and will inspire us all to do it again in 2 years.”

A great job all round! Many thanks to Nick Mitchell and the Preston Fresh Pork team for organising a fantastic event - and congratulations to the team at Yorkshire Baker for taking first place in the golf.