Cranswick donate three million portions to FareShare

Cranswick is incredibly proud to announce that it has reached the 3 million portions (based on 140g of protein per serving) milestone in the company’s partnership with FareShare, the UK's longest running food redistribution charity.

With the partnership now in its seventh year, 425,000 tonnes of surplus food has now been diverted to FareShare – the equivalent of 3 million portions. FareShare has distributed this quality, nutritious food to frontline charities and community groups in need. Food has been supplied to 2,966 charities across the UK, including school breakfast clubs, older people’s lunch clubs, homeless shelters, and community cafes.

Adam Bower, Head of Sustainability at Cranswick says, "We remain committed to playing our part to help fight hunger and food waste, and are thankful for the longstanding relationship we have with FareShare who make this possible".

Find out more about FareShare