Cranswick demonstrates environmental leadership in the latest CDP scores

The latest CDP results have been released, with Cranswick achieving grade A- for Climate and B for Water Security, with Forests scoring B- for Soy and grade C in Timber, Cattle and Palm Oil.

Formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, this globally recognised scoring system aims to build a sustainable economy by encouraging companies to measure and act on their environmental impact.

The CDP submission incorporates responses on governance, risk, disclosure, strategy, emissions reduction initiatives and value chain engagement.

These new grades reflect continued improvement within Cranswick’s operations; demonstrating both an awareness of environmental impacts, and subsequent appropriate actions taken to reduce these in line with the 1.5-degree trajectory laid out in the Paris Agreement.

The bold environmental action outlined in Cranswick’s Second Nature sustainability strategy begins with an accurate, transparent assessment of environmental impact and progress, which CDP scoring makes possible. To earn an A- grade from CDP, Cranswick has shown environmental leadership, demonstrating best practice in strategy and action as recognised by frameworks such as the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Accountability Framework and others.