Cranswick Announced as a Leader in Farm Animal Welfare

Cranswick plc has been recognised for its leadership in farm animal welfare in a report published yesterday, 23rd January 2017.

The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) evaluates the world’s leading food producers, retailers and service companies on their management and reporting on farm animal welfare. At the report’s launch in New York, it was announced that Cranswick plc has attained impressive marks, earning its place in Tier 1 of the industry rankings.

Only six companies have been awarded a Tier 1 status and these companies have strong commitments to farm animal welfare, well developed management systems and processes, and a clear focus on farm animal welfare outcomes. Cranswick plc joins the Coop Group (Switzerland), Marks & Spencer, Migros, Noble Foods and Waitrose in the Tier 1 category.

Adam Couch, CEO at Cranswick, commented: “We recognise that farm animal welfare matters to our customers and is a focal point of our business. We have put considerable effort into driving up standards and we are delighted that our commitment has been acknowledged by the 2016 BBFAW Report which moves us up to the highest Tier 1 level. This is important to us as a business and is testament to the significant amount of work from our technical and agricultural teams. We are all committed to the highest welfare standards on our farms and the ongoing quality of our product.”

The BBFAW is supported by leading animal welfare organisations, Compassion in World Farming and World Animal Protection, and investment firm, Coller Capital and further informationcan be found at the BBFAW website. (
