Courtauld Commitment 2025 Milestone Progress Report

WRAP has announced some fantastic news today as they release the Courtauld Commitment 2025 Milestone Progress Report, that food waste has fallen by 7% per person in three years. This is a great achievement however we are supportive of WRAPs intention for the UK to go further, faster despite being global leaders in tackling food waste.

WRAP’s latest annual citizen survey found that despite more of the public being aware of the issue of food waste, less than half of the population (39 per cent ) connect wasting food at home with the impact this has on the environment. When food waste ends up in a landfill site, it rots and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. If we stopped throwing this good food away it would save the equivalent of at least 17m tonnes of carbon dioxide per year! That's the environmental equivalent of taking one in five cars off UK roads.

At Cranswick, we’re making great progress cutting edible food waste through our commitment to Champions 12.3, achieving a 20% reduction of edible food waste in 2018 against a 2017 baseline. Our latest food loss and waste statement can be found here.